Hello guys,

We are looking someone to create some new illustrations for our platform and also to maintain the ones we already have. Therefore:
- we are looking someone who lives in Paris (or around it);
- that masters illustrator and indesign;
- that is able to create new illustrations (drawing);
- that is available to work with us in our office at least three times week to briefing and discussions;
- that is able to send us an signed invoice proving our payment;

About the job:
- three full illustrations (it's normally 3 or 4 complete jpgs like the ones here: [URL visible seulement pour les graphistes qui répondent à l'annonce]);

Be sure I can speak in french with you if needed and be sure that you are able to come to our office (it means you should live in Paris our around it).

  • Délai demandé : Normal
  • Profil client : Particulier
  • Budget approximatif : 300 à 1 000€
  • Illustrateur freelance
  • Paris (France)
  • 875 vues
  • 5 propositions
  • Publiée le 12 décembre 2017 à 10:03


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