Seeking self-motivated, meticulous graphic designers! Candidates must:
- Skilled in photoshop, illustrator, indesign, sketch.
- Enjoys imagery, layout
- Creative and curious
- Highly detail oriented, careful, meticulous
- Independent, self-motivated, able to manage own planning
- Able to work well alone or in team
- Can handle tight deadlines and juggle multiple projects
- Knowledge of web design, CMS backend work, and email coding would be a plus. - Video editing skills also be highly appreciated
- Fluent in English.
- 1-5 years’ graphic design experience
- Looking for long term freelancing, like a part time job, that's not just one freelance mission.
Please refer to GRAPHIC DESIGNER position when applying.

  • Délai demandé : Urgent
  • Profil client : Petite entreprise
  • Budget approximatif : 300 à 1 000€
  • Graphiste freelance
  • Tampa (États-Unis)
  • 828 vues
  • 1 proposition
  • Publiée le 09 octobre 2017 à 13:11


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09 octobre à 13:30
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