
I am Sylvain, a Frenchman who has discovered your work and who loves what you do. I am not a company but a private individual. So I do not have a very big budget but I send you my project to have an estimate. I hope it will be reasonable because I would like to work with you. I like your style ;)

Here is my project:
[URL visible seulement pour les graphistes qui répondent à l'annonce]

PS: Excuse me for my bad English ;)


  • Délai demandé : Normal
  • Profil client : Particulier
  • Budget approximatif : moins de 300€
  • Illustrateur freelance
  • Paris (France)
  • 733 vues
  • 3 propositions
  • Publiée le 15 juillet 2017 à 16:14


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