Our company requires an additional work made on the logo. We have attempted different drafts but we believe it can be improved strongly.
Our intent is to reflect both space, the universe (as Akwan, means Universes in Arabic) but also technology as our company focuses on a very nascent technology which is Blockchain.
We would need two main sketches:
One of the full name of the company “Akwan”
One of the first “A” alone that should be recognizable on its own.
While it has to Evoque technology and space, it also needs to be easily readable

  • Délai demandé : Urgent
  • Profil client : Petite entreprise
  • Budget approximatif : moins de 300€
  • Graphiste logo
  • 06330, France
  • 538 vues
  • 6 propositions
  • Publiée le 14 mars 2019 à 13:07


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