I'm Clément and I'm working for a French startup in Paris.

It's a tech startup, we build lifestyle collaboration softwares for project management and internal communication.
We're launching a new offer on the market. So we need to market it, and we need you to explain better our value proposition and to reach our audience.

What we're looking for :
- The value proposition and the website is ready --> But it needs a soul, an universe.
We need a graphic designer.

It's an international first software, so we need international speaking people !
At least English speaking to understand each other. Or Spanish. But much better in English.

Mission can start now, until the end of march.

  • Délai demandé : Moyen terme
  • Profil client : Moyenne entreprise
  • Budget approximatif : moins de 300€
  • Webdesigner freelance
  • 93100, France
  • 540 vues
  • 2 propositions
  • Publiée le 01 mars 2019 à 15:46


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