I need at minimum 1 study per project with 2 views (3/4 & above or front f.i.) drawn by hand of the booth of a flying boat on foils above the water. The 2 sketches should help me to understand the final shape imagined by yourself. The passenger pilots with a small joystick and fasten his seat belt because it goes fast. I need some proposals to decide in what direction of shape we will decide to go. And then, in a second step, we will need to modelize it in 3D, third step, to create an animation.
In my opinion, the booth has to be :
• One seater (adult)
• Spider (cabriolet)
• Easy to get in (beach toy)
• Not to wet for the passenger embedded.
• Nice looking : luxe + adventure (for rich clients)
• Not too heavy and not too complicated to build
• Original, but not anxiety. people must feel confident, not too aggressive. Sea = liberty
• The hull is a catamaran for stability reason, it's under water, so don’t spend much time on it
Message de clôture
Merci à vous trois por vos réponses.
Malheuresement, je n'ai pas réussi à trouver dans les port-folio présentés, un dessin à la main ou autre, montrant un travail d'étude sur la forme sur d'un quelconque objet de mobilté (voiture , bateau.... )
Bien cordialement