AURIS POPULI : this logo was made for a AV company (Audio Visual) but the challenge was that the client refused anything related to ...
The Seer's House : it was a logo made for a church that offers a guide to student believed to be prophets and help them analyse their dr...
Rise Atheletes and Rehab : a logo for a company that provide sports/fitness training and rehab services to mostly team sport(basketball being a ...
Reno Real Estate Radioshow : this logo was made for a radioshow dedicated to real estate agents and home owners , the challenge was how to incorpo...
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Horses Care : I made this logo for my personal fun , I imagined a company that take care of orses and I mad a logo for it , not too...
Dentistry Unwired : this logo was made for a dentistry center that offers his clients modern and new treatments methodes based on new tec...
TJ.Marketing : the logo was made for a company that prints and sell t-shirts and cups... on demande , they wanted something classic ...
Sensai Metrics : It was a logo for a company thatsell a SAAS dedicated to analyze e-commerce metrics with artificial intelligence help...