1. Réalisations
  2. Réalisations infographie
  3. Hugo Vinois - Photographer
Hugo Vinois - Photographer
Hugo Vinois - Photographer
Manon Girardet

Hugo Vinois - Photographer


In last June 1st, Hugo Vinois, a young elementary school teacher has effectuated his first Photography exhibition (film and digital photos). I, therefore, had the chance to create a flyer and a roll-up of 2 meters height. Hoping that this amateur photographer will note a big success in this sector and judging necessary the creation of his own webpage where he could expose and sell his photos, I prepared a set of two logotypes, one with a black background and the other with a white background. I hope this work will help him have a unique digital print and signature for his future website which I would be delighted to create one day.

Publiée le 31/10/2019


Autres réalisations de Manon Girardet

Play with geometry
Hugo Vinois - Photographer
Smahane Girardet - Website